About Philip Gurnhill Accountants

Philip Gurnhill Accountants, also known as PGA, have been helping businesses in Malmesbury, the South West and Nationally since 2005.

Our Managing Director, Phil Gurnhill, is a qualified Chartered Management Accountant with over 30 years' experience across many industry sectors, consulting and running his own accounting firm. Prior to setting up PGA, Phil has worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu.

PGA supports both individuals and businesses of all sizes with accountancy, payroll and tax return services.

Our office is located in the heart of Malmesbury, close to the Wiltshire and Gloucestershire border, opposite the Market Cross.

01666 829 013
Philip Gurnhill Accountants Office In Malmesbury, Wiltshire