Our Leaving The UK Tax Refund Service is offered to you for a Fixed Fee of £149 per year claimed, irrespective of the amount of refund that you receive.
Tax Refunds for Individuals Leaving the UK
It is probable that you leave the UK part way through the tax year and if you pay tax through normal PAYE this will normally mean that over the full year, you have paid too much tax and are due a refund. Our Leaving The UK Tax Refund Service will ensure that you receive 100% of this refund. We charge a one-time Fixed Fee of £149 for our Tax Refund Service, any money that is due to you as a refund will be paid directly to your account from HMRC.
You can download a Leaving The UK Tax Refund Pro Forma that is designed to gather all the information that we will require to make a tax refund on your behalf.
Non Resident Landlords
If you have rented property income in the UK and are now Non-Resident you should be aware that HMRC has introduced a new system of applying fines for late self-assessment returns, before, if no tax was owed then no fines could be levied, however, this has now changed, even if you do not owe any tax you will still be liable to fines starting at £100 and increasing alarmingly on all self-assessment returns that are late irrespective of whether or not you owe any tax. This is a very good reason to think about your Non-Resident Tax Return at the earliest opportunity. We are able to help you at a fraction of the cost that the daily fine regime of HMRC can end up costing.
Our Managing Director has himself been a Non-Resident Landlord so understands the issues and the anxieties relating to letting your property whilst you are based overseas. Our Non-Resident Tax Return Service costs the same as our Personal Tax Return Service, we do not charge more just because you reside overseas. Prices for a Personal Tax Return are just £149. You can see how little our service costs by using our Instant Quote Tool.
Or if you prefer talk to us direct on +44 1666 829013