21st November, 2022

Dormant Company Accounts

Dormant Company Accounts
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If you have set up a company and it has not traded since incorporation, you may choose to file Dormant Company Accounts at Companies House, these Dormant Company Accounts should be electronically filed before the due date of the accounts or the Companies House system of fines will commence.

These fines are no joke and almost impossible to appeal, they build up as follows:

Not more than one month£ 150
More than one month but not more than three months£375
More than three months but not more than six months£750
More than six months£1500

These fines are easy to avoid, even if your filing date is close, we provide a Dormant Company Filing Service and as long as you have the Companies House authorisation code, we will file them the day we receive them. This service is available for just £50 plus VAT. The pro forma to gather the required information can be downloaded on request:

Act now while there is still time!

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